From “ice on demand“ to “cold on demand”

The History of Coldrock LLC

Company History

From “ice on demand“ to “cold on demand”

Coldrock LLC is a company based in Abu Dhabi that deals exclusively with aggregate cooling. Coldrock LLC builds on the long extensive experience of KAB-ICE mobil GmbH.

From concrete cooling to Aggregate Cooling, because it is more effective and more energy efficient.


As early as 2005, KAB-ICE mobil embarked on a journey to revolutionize ice production in the concrete cooling industry. Recognizing the limitations of energy-intensive and maintenance-prone flaker ice plants, KAB-ICE envisioned a more efficient solution and was the first to introduce the “plate ice” plant into the mainstream concrete cooling market.

In the beginning plate ice systems were considered a novelty but soon proved to outperform the traditional flake ice plants both in terms of ease of maintenance but also energy efficiency. The plate ice plant developed by KAB-ICE mobil GmbH consistently outperformed its rivals by using 30 to 50 percent less energy per ton of ice when compared to the traditional flake ice systems. From this development it is no surprise today that most of the main competitors in the ice plant industry now offer plate ice variants to their clients.


In 2006, KAB-ICE mobil’s unwavering commitment to innovation paid off when leading Ready-mix supplier, Ready-mix Abu Dhabi (RMAD), placed their trust in KAB-ICE mobil’s technology and purchased the first plate ice plant in the Gulf on the iconic Palm Jumeirah project in Dubai.

These first plate ice plants delivered exceptional results surpassing RMAD’s expectations and showcasing the significant advantage of this technology with the following advantages:

RMAD’s satisfaction with KAB-ICE mobil’s technology was evident in their subsequent orders. In 2007 RMAD placed an order for ten more plate ice plants followed by an additional 32 units in 2008. We thank RMAD for their trust.

In total, almost 100 systems have been installed around the world:

After a successful collaboration with Stetter-Schwing starting in 2012, KAB-ICE mobil fully transitioned its operations in 2014. Their legacy of innovation and excellence continues to inspire, paving the way for advancements in ice production technology.

Dubai island palm tree from top view Dubai island palm tree from top view – stock.adobe ©diy13

Concrete cooling became better

Traditional aggregates cooling methods had always been very large installations which ultimately limited their application. The Coldrock HydroSpiral changed this by delivering aggregates cooling in a compact containerized format making it more accessible to a broader market.

Aggregate cooling


When up to 60 - 70 % of the total heat in concrete is attributable to the coarse aggregates it makes sense to pre-chill them. Water cooling of the aggregates is the most energy efficient method to rapidly reduce concrete temperature. Chilled aggregates can produce concrete temperatures below that of what ice can do alone. For further sub-cooling with a combination of ice and chilled aggregates brings concrete temperature down further still.

The patent pending Coldrock HydroSpiral "CHS" allows the contractor to adopt "just in time - JIT" prechilling of their aggregates in a compact containerized, modular & portable format. This is a big cooling punch in a small package!

The rotational processing of the aggregates ensures a constant turning over of the material in the chilled water encouraging rapid heat exchange thus allowing the compact design.

HydroSpiral – great cooling performance in a small package!

Intrigued by the HydroSpiral and seeking a no-obligation quote? Experience the difference with HydroSpiral. Our experts are ready to answer your questions and tailor a solution to your specific needs. Get in touch today!

Leadership Team

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Otto-Wilhelm Held

Otto-Wilhelm Held

CEO | B.Eng. civil / BEc


+971 56 126 1023

Julian Cathro

Julian Cathro

B.Eng. civil


+65 9616 4058

Julian Cathro

Sönke Schwill

Regional Sales Manager


+971 501 803 103

Caroline Held

Mathew Chacko

Senior Technician


+971 50 575 7619

Caroline Held

Caroline Held

Chief Legal Officer


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